SDC / DHC Hydraulic Components
EN2H-0221GE51 R0808 141
7.1.16 Use of boiler sensor 2
Two single-stage heat generators
For sensing of the temperature in the second heat generator with
double boilers or two single-stage heat generators (see "Heat
Generator" menu, parameter 1 boiler type = 3)
Two measuring points in the combustion chamber
In order to reduce standby losses by increasing the burner
runtimes. With automatic sensor switching between boiler sensor
1 and 2 after the burner switching cycle, the On signal for the
burner will be determined by the upper sensor (BS1) and the Off
signal by the lower sensor (BS2) based on the specified demand
value and switching differential(s).
7.1.17 External heat generator cut-off
If the assigned variable input is short circuited, there will be a
permanent deactivation of the heat generator. It is cancelled
again once the short-circuit is remedied.
This function is meant exclusively for external override
signals and not for safety switch off!
7.1.18 Heat generator forced discharge
When the temperature in the heat generator exceeds the set
maximum temperature limit, any excess energy is dissipated into
circuits downstream. This function applies to all controllers on the
bus system.
No heat dissipation
Dissipation into hot-water tank
With provision tanks only
Thermal mixing valve at water heater outlet obligatory
because of scalding hazard.
Set values