Digital Communications Interface
Interface Commands 6
ALARm:TEMPerature<chn>:UPPer:ENABle? Returns the state of the high temperature alarm
enable for the specified channel
ALARm:TEMPerature<chn>:UPPer:ENABle <bool> Enables or disables the high temperature alarm for the
specified channel
ALARm:TEMPerature<chn>:UPPer:LIMit? Returns the high temperture alarm limit for the
specified channel
Sets the high temperture alarm limit for the specified
ALARm:TIME:FIRSt? Returns the time of first alarm event
ALARm:TIME:LAST? Returns the time of latest alarm event
CALibrate<chn>:ALERt? Returns the state of the calibration alert enable for the
specified channel
CALibrate<chn>:ALERt <bool> Enables or disables the sensor alert enable for the
specified channel
CALibrate<chn>:DATe:CALibrate? Returns the sensor calibration date for the specified
Sets the sensor calibration date for the specified
CALibrate<chn>:DATe:DUE? Returns the sensor calibration due date for the
specified channel
CALibrate<chn>:DATe:DUE (<year>,<month>,<day>) Sets the sensor calibration due date for the specified
CALibrate<chn>:EXPiration? Returns the sensor calibration expiration for the
specified channel
CALibrate<chn>:PARameter:LINearity<chn>? Returns the sensor calibration linearity for the
specified channel (temperature or humidity)
CALibrate<chn>:PARameter:LINearity<chn> <float> Sets the sensor calibration linearity the specified
channel(temperature or humidity)
CALibrate<chn>:PARameter:OFFSets<chn>? Returns the sensor calibration offsets for the specified
channel (temperature or humidity)
CALibrate<chn>:PARameter:OFFSets<chn> <float> Sets the sensor calibration offsets for the specified
channel (temperature or humidity)
CALibrate<chn>:PARameter:SCALe<chn>? Returns the sensor calibration scale for the specified
channel (temperature or humidity)
CALibrate<chn>:PARameter:SCALe<chn> <float> Sets the sensor calibration scale for the specified
channel (temperature or humidity)
CALCulate:AVERage:CLEar Resets all running statistics
CALCulate<chn>:DEWPoint? Returns the dew-point measurement for the specified
CALCulate<chn>:HINDex? Returns the heat index measurement for the specified
CALCulate<chn>:PARameter<num>:AVERerage<nu Returns a running statistic for the specified channel