Menu Functions
System Menu 5
Figure 5-41. Comm Setting
The B C buttons are used to change the parameter setting. Press the E button to save
the new setting. Press the F button to cancel any changes and exit to the menu.
When the SERIAL port is selected, the parameters for the serial port are displayed
beneath the PORT selection. These parameters are: BAUD, LF, ECHO, SER PER, and
Figure 5-42. Serial
The BAUD parameter allows the user to select the baud rate for communications on this
port. The user may choose between 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, and 57600.
The default baud rate is 9600.
The LF parameter allows the user to specify whether a linefeed character (ASCII 0A hex
or 10 decimal) is appended to the end of each line transmitted over the serial port.
Selecting ON sends both a carriage return (ASCII 0A hex or 13 decimal) and a linefeed.
Selecting OFF sends only a carriage return.
The ECHO parameter allows the user to set the echo (duplex) mode. Selecting ON
enables echoing so that all characters received on the serial port are echoed back over the