Chapter 21 Command Line Interface Scripts
264 Avaya M770 ATM Switch User’s Guide
On the Master Agent module the script run command has an additional
optional parameter, which specifies the set of modules that are required to run the
same script.
Upon receiving the script run command, the Master Agent validates the slots
specified in the <slot-list> parameter. If one or more elements is invalid (for
example, slot number is wrong, or specified slot is empty, or belongs to another
switch, or its software version doesn't support scripts), or one or more of the
specified modules are currently running another script, entire command will fail
and no modules will run the script. In this case, appropriate message will be
M15-155s8:/> script run <script-file-name> [log|console]
[delay=<delay-value>] [<slot-list>|all]
<script file
The name of the script file in the Flash File System
as it appears in the output of the /flash dir
The destination of the output of the executed
commands contained in the script file. If “log”
specified, the output will be stored in the script log.
The script log may be viewed later using “script log
show” command (see below). Otherwise, if
“console” specified, the script output will be
redirected to that terminal, from which the script
was started, i.e. serial terminal or Telnet window. If
neither specified, “log” is used by default.
Note that [log|console] parameter has only local
significance. On remote modules an output will
always be redirected to the log.
Insert delay between running of consequent
commands of the script, measured in milliseconds.
The <delay-value> may vary between 0-5000 ms. If
is not specified, zero is used.
A simple list of slot numbers of modules, which are
required to run the script. In case of split backplane,
all the modules in the list must belong to the same
switch as the Master Agent module. If “all”
specified in the list of modules, all the modules of
the switch are required to run the script. If nothing
specified in the slot list, only local (Master Agent)
module will be required to run the script.
M15-155s8:/>script run script.txt log delay=100 1 2 3