Chapter 10 Managing PNNI Routing
130 Avaya M770 ATM Switch User’s Guide
Global Topology Uplink
Use the following command to display the global topology uplinks in the network:
The first node is the originating node, its level scope is lower in the hierarchy than
the destination upnode. The first byte of the Node ID holds the level scope in which
the node resides (in hex). In this example, the uplink’s originating node resides in
level 56 (0x38) and the upnode resides in level 48 (0x30).
The Aggregation Token is a 4-byte integer that marks whether different uplinks to
the same upnode shall be aggregated to the same higher-level horizontal link.
If the optional <level> parameter is used, only uplinks originating at that level will
be displayed.
Scope This field indicates the scope of advertisement of the address.
The scope value indicates up to which hierarchical level the
address will be advertised. The lower the value is, the wider the
domain that gets the address. Value of 0 indicates that the
address will be advertised through out the entire PNNI domain.
The advertisement scope is mapped from the UNI scope. For
more details refer to the Static Routing chapter.
M15-155s8:/>route pnni topology uplink [<level>]
Node Id:
Aggregation Token: 0 Uplink Port:>-+
Node Id:
Node Id:
Aggregation Token: 0 Uplink Port:>-+
Node Id:
Field Description