Chapter 10 Managing PNNI Routing
Avaya M770 ATM Switch User’s Guide 133
Local Memory Information
The following command displays the PNNI memory usage:
Local Peer Neighbors
The following command displays inofmration regarding synchronization protocol
with the neighbors to this module.
Svc State This field is applicable only for logical links, in which the Hello
protocol runs over an SVC-RCC. It indicate the SVC-RCC state. If the
state is 'open' it means that the PNNI control channel between LGNs
was opened correctly, and now the PNNI protocols should get to
their final states.
M15-155s8:/>route pnni local memory
Pnni alloc memory: 65824 bytes ( 0 %)
Switch alloc memory: 14094808 bytes ( 84 %)
Switch free memory: 2682408 bytes ( 15 %)
Switch total memory: 16777216 bytes
Note: Switch alloc memory include the pnni alloc memory
Field Description
Pnni alloc
The number of bytes that are allocated for PNNI. In parenthesis
is the percentage of the PNNI allocation from the entire switch
Switch alloc
Includes all memory, including PNNI that is currently allocated.
Switch free
The number of bytes, and percentage of memory that is still free.
Switch total
Include both the memory available in RAM and in SIMMs.
M15-155s8:/>route pnni local nbr <level>
Field Description