Chapter 6 Managing Virtual Ports
82 Avaya M770 ATM Switch User’s Guide
Table 6.6 All protocol statistics displayed by the vport sig stats all command
Field Description
Signalling Statistics:
Statistics Info. The number of times signalling has been started
and stopped on the virtual port.
Stack up count The number of times signalling has come up since
it was last started on the virtual port.
Stack down count The number of times signalling has gone down
since it was last started on the virtual port.
Number of restarts The number of times signalling has been restarted
since it was last started on the virtual port.
Q.SAAL up count The number of times Q.SAAL (data link protocol)
has established a link to its peer since it was last
started on the virtual port.
Q.SAAL down count The number of times Q.SAAL (data link protocol)
has lost the connection to its peer since it was last
started on the virtual port.
Signalling type The signalling version on this virtual port
(i.e., UNI 3.1)
Signalling side The signalling profile on this virtual port
(i.e., Network)
SSCOP Connection Events This counts the sum of:
• number of TNO_RESPONSE timeouts
• number of establishment failures (maximum
number of TCC expiries or receipt of BGREJ)
• number re-establishment attempts - receipt of
SSCOP Errored PDUs This counts the sum of:
• invalid PDUs - incorrect length, invalid PDU
type or not 32 bit aligned
• PDUs resulting in MAA error codes A-M and
Q-T and are discarded.