Chapter 21 Command Line Interface Scripts
Avaya M770 ATM Switch User’s Guide 261
CLI Script File Downloading and Maintenance.
A CLI Script File may be downloaded in the same manner as any other type of file,
like executable or configuration file, using system download tftp command (please
refer to “Downloading over TFTP” on page 227). Note that during download the
Script File Header is converted into internal representation.
After being downloaded, the Script File may be manipulated as a file of any other
kind - it may be copied, deleted or uploaded.
Running a CLI Script
Running a CLI script on a single module
To run a CLI script on a single module, perform the following steps:
1 Download the script file to the file system of this module, as described above.
Make sure that the download succeeded.
Note: A file download may fail due to the lack of contiguous memory in the Avaya
M770 ATM switch file system or due to there being more than 15 files (the
maximum allowed) in the flash memory file system.
2 You may examine contents of the script file using the script dump command
(not mandatory but recommended). This command will just dump the script
file to the console/Telnet window.
3 Then actually run the script using the script run command
M15-155s8:/> script dump <script-file-name>
<script file
The name of the script file in the Flash File System as it appears
in the output of the /flash dir command.
M15-155s8:/>script dump script.txt
M15-155s8:/> script run <script-file-name> [log|console]
<script file
The name of the script file in the Flash File System
as it appears in the output of the /flash dir