57NetworkAIR FM DX 60 Hz Operation, Maintenance, and Troubleshooting
Humidifier Cylinder Depleted • Replace the disposable cylinder.
• Clean the reusable humidifier cylinder (optional).
Humidifier Cylinder Full When
• Check the humidifier fill and drain valves for clogging.
• Check the operation of the humidifier drain solenoid.
Humidifier Drain Malfunction • Ensure that the drain is free of any debris.
• Verify the operation of the drain solenoid valve.
Humidifier Excessive Foam • Verify that the humidifier water supply is not using conditioned water and
that the water does not contain contaminates.
• Check the humidifier water supply hose for dirt and contaminates.
• Drain the humidifier canister and refill with fresh water.
Humidifier Excessive Output
• Reduce the humidifier sensitivity setting on the display interface (Path:
Main > Setup > System # > System Config > Humid. Sensitivity) if
Humidifier Fail • Check the event log for other humidifier alarms.
Humidifier Fault Tolerance
• Humidifier has experienced three faults within 30 minutes.
• Reset the humidifier from the display interface (Path: Main > Setup >
Module > [Module Alarm Occurred in] > Module Control > Reset
• Check the alarm status and event log for humidifier alarms and perform
required actions.
Humidifier Internal Memory
• Check the controller connections to the humidifier for electrical discharge.
Humidifier No Power • Verify that the humidifier circuit breaker has not been tripped.
• Confirm that the line voltage connections to the cylinder are secure and
Humidifier Requires
• Verify the operation of the humidifier and perform preventive maintenance.
• Reset the maintenance alarm for the humidifier at the display interface.
Humidifier Water Conductivity
• Verify that the proper voltage is being applied to the humidifier cylinder.
• Confirm that the line voltage connections to the cylinder are secure and
• Ensure that the water supply to the humidifier has not been conditioned.
Conditioned water can increase water conductivity.
Humidifier Water Level Low • Verify that the humidifier water supply is open and flowing to the humidifier
water connection.
• Confirm that the inlet water strainer on the humidifier fill solenoid is clear
and free of debris.
• Ensure that the water pressure is at least 206 kPa (30 psig).
• Verify the operation of the fill solenoid valve.
• Check the drain valve for debris which may prevent the valve from closing.
• Check the steam supply hose for kinks or sags that may cause back pressure.
Module # Failed • Check the event log for other alarms for this Module.
Module Powered Up • The Module has successfully started.
Displayed Alarm Message Action Required