NetworkAIR FM DX 60 Hz Operation, Maintenance, and Troubleshooting54
Condensate Pump Fail • Verify that the condensate pump circuit breaker has not been tripped.
• Ensure that the wiring between the float switch for the condensate pump and
the controller is secure.
• Confirm that the condensate removal lines are free of debris and are
• Confirm the line voltage at the condensate pump.
• Ensure that the condensate float switch is moving freely and does not bind.
• Confirm that the condensate pump reservoir is clean and free of debris.
• Replace the condensate pump.
Env Humidity High • Verify that no supply air is fed directly into the return air stream.
• Ensure that the alarm delay is not set too low. The delay should be long
enough to allow the humidity in the room to stabilize after start-up.
• Verify that the alarm threshold for the humidity of the environmental sensors
(return or remote) is set 7 - 10 % above the dehumidify setpoint.
• Ensure that the reheat mode is enabled and the Reheat setpoint is 2 degrees
less than the cool setpoint.
• Ensure that there is a proper vapor barrier within the conditioned space.
• Ensure that the dehumidify mode is enabled and working properly.
• Verify that the Module is configured and equipped for the dehumidify mode.
• Ensure that the dehumidify mode is not disabled because of an active
customer input mapped to nonessential lockout.
Env Humidity Low • Ensure that the alarm delay is not set too low. The delay should be long
enough to allow the humidity in the room to stabilize after start-up.
• Verify that the alarm threshold for the humidity of the environmental sensors
(return or remote) is set 7 - 10 % lower than the humidify setpoint.
• Ensure that there is a proper vapor barrier within the conditioned space.
• Verify that the Module is configured and equipped for the humidify mode.
• Ensure that the humidify mode is enabled.
• Check the capacity output of the humidifier, and decrease the humidifier
sensitivity setpoint if required.
• Ensure that the humidify mode is not disabled because of an active
user-defined input mapped to nonessential lockout.
• Check the alarm status and event log for humidifer alarms and perform
required actions.
Env Temperature High • Check whether the Module is cooling. Look for a temperature differential of
8–11°C (15–20°F) between the supply and return temperatures.
• Ensure that there is no concentrated heat source in the return air stream of the
• Ensure that the alarm delay is not set too low. The delay should be long
enough to allow the room temperature to stabilize after start-up.
• Verify that the temperature alarm threshold for the environmental (return or
remote) sensors is 7 - 10°F above the cool setpoint.
• Ensure that the cooling mode is enabled and working properly.
• Ensure that the cooling mode is not disabled because of an active customer
input mapped to nonessential lockout.
• Check the alarm status and event log for cooling failure alarms and perform
required actions.
Displayed Alarm Message Action Required