NetworkAIR FM DX 60 Hz Operation, Maintenance, and Troubleshooting
System Configuration
The System configuration options are defined both at the factory and during the commissioning of
the Modules in the System.
Caution: Changing the settings incorrectly can cause serious malfunctions and damage to
your System. Only qualified service personnel should make changes to these settings.
Note: Some System configuration settings may not apply to your APC NetworkAIR FM
DX Precision Air Conditioner.
System options
Path: Main > Setup > System # > System Config > System Options
The System Options menu contains settings that identify the hardware installed in this System and
the methods used to control that hardware.
Mains In. Indicates the primary operating voltage required for this System. The configuration is
based on the voltage of the electrical components in the System and is printed on the nameplate
attached to the door on the right side of the electrical box.
Coil Cfg. Indicates the coil configuration installed in the Modules of this System.
• DX—Direct expansion (DX) coil
• Econ—Economizer and DX coils
• MultiCool—MultiCool
(chilled water) and DX coils