NetworkAIR FM DX 60 Hz Operation, Maintenance, and Troubleshooting30
Reset Variable Frequency Drive
Paths: Main > Setup > Module > Main Module > Module Control > Reset VFD#
Main > Setup > Module > Expansion Module 1 > Module Control > Reset VFD#
The Reset VFD option resets the variable frequency drive (VFD). The drive shuts down during a VFD #
Fault Tolerance Exceeded alarm. The alarm occurs when the VFD detects three faults within thirty
minutes. Use this function to restart the drive manually when the alarm condition is resolved.
Caution: VFD Fault Tolerance Exceeded alarms indicate a problem with the VFD or
blowers. Check the event log for other alarms before resetting the VFD.
Reset humidifier
Paths: Main > Setup > Module > Main Module > Module Control > Reset Humidifier
Main > Setup > Module > Expansion Module 1 > Module Control > Reset Humidifier
The Reset Humidifier option resets the humidifier. The humidifier shuts down during a Humidifier
Fault Tolerance Exceeded alarm. The alarm occurs when the humidifier detects three faults within
thirty minutes. Use this function to restart the humidifier manually when the alarm condition is resolved.
Caution: Humidifier Fault Tolerance Exceeded alarms indicate a problem with the
humidifier. Check the event log for other humidifier alarms before resetting the humidifier.
Set up humidifier
Paths: Main > Setup > Module > Main Module > Module Control > Set Up Humidifier
Main > Setup > Module > Expansion Module 1 > Module Control > Set Up Humidifier
The Set up Humidifier option controls the steam-electrode humidifier mode.
Humidifier Model. The steam-electrode humidifier can be set to one of three modes:
• Off—Removes power from the electrodes in the humidifier while the cylinder remains filled.
• Drain—Removes power from the electrodes and drains the cylinder.
• Auto—Applies power to the humidifier and sets the humidifier to operate according to the
Module controller.
Note: The steam-electrode humidifier must be in Auto mode to operate.