33NetworkAIR FM DX 60 Hz Operation, Maintenance, and Troubleshooting
Path: Main > Control Environment > Setpoints
Setpoints are the target values each mode will maintain in the room. The default setpoints are appropriate
for most precision cooling applications.
The setpoint for each mode must be within the following ranges:
• Cool: 16.5–32.2°C (61.8–90.0°F )
• Reheat: 15.6–31.2°C (60.0–88.2°F)
• Dehumidify: 30–80% Relative Humidity
• Humidify: 30–80% Relative Humidity
See “Modes” on page 37 to enable or disable operating modes. If a mode is disabled
and you change the setpoint, the display will warn you that the mode is disabled.
Note: You cannot overlap setpoints. If you overlap setpoints, the display interface
warns you and resets the setpoints.
The Cool setpoint must be 1°C (1.8°F) above the Reheat setpoint if reheat is installed
in the Module. The Dehum setpoint must be 1% Relative Humidity (RH) above the
Humidify setpoint if a humidifier is installed.
Cool: 72.0°F
Reheat: 68.0°F
Dehumid: 55.0%RH
Humidify: 45.0%RH