For more information about a term, check the index listings.
Application A computer program designed to help people perform a certain
type of work, for example, a word processing program, a page layout
program, a programming language, or software that handles graphics and
prints documents, spreadsheets, and/or forms.
Consumables Supplies that are used up, like print media, toner, and
Crown A proprietary multitasking printer operating system, which allows
QMS to adapt an advanced software code base to the evolving printing needs
of users in many different operating environments. As implemented in the
QMS Crown family of products, this modular, portable architecture provides
advanced features as well as the capability to easily integrate new features
as they become available. A QMS Crown printer can process and print jobs
simultaneously instead of sequentially (multi-task) because of advanced
memory management techniques such as simultaneous interfacing, input
buffering, job spooling, emulation sensing processing, compile-ahead
technology, and compressed data formats.
Default The values or settings built-in to a system or program. The default
settings in this printer can be changed. See also factory default.
Emulation The ability of the printer to respond to commands that are intended
for a different type of printer. For example, when the printer is set for
PostScript Level 2 emulation, it responds to the same commands that a
PostScript Level 2 printer does.
Engine The non-intelligent part of a printer where the paper is physically
processed and printed.
ESP Technology Emulation Sensing Processor Technology: technology
that uses a form of artificial intelligence to analyze incoming file data from
any of the printer’s interfaces. ESP technology, which works with most
popular commercially available applications, selects the appropriate printer
Glossary G-1
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