equivalent code passed to the PCL line termination
command. The second setting (lfiscrlf on, criscrlf off)
is correct for most ASCII listings printed from UNIX
machines. PC listings should usually be done with both
items set to Off, and Macintosh listings usually require
the third setting (lfiscrlf Off, criscrlf On). Note that the
FF becomes a CR-FF when the LF is a CRLF.
%%IncludeFeature:linesperinch (#)
Purpose: Sets the default PCL line spacing. The
%%IncludeFeature:linesperinch DOC affects PCL’s
default VMI (vertical motion index).
#: 1-48. Default: 6.
%%IncludeFeature:pointsize(default font size)
Purpose: Specifies the point size for scalable default font. If the
selected font is not scalable or if a bitmap font size is
specified, this setting is ignored.
default font: 0.25 to 999.75 in 0.25 increments.
Appendix D
D-24 Additional Technical Information
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