PostScript fonts. Each of your printer’s features requires a
minimum amount of memory. If you use a feature, you must
allocate enough memory to the client that controls it, but if there
are features you do not use, you can move excess memory from
unused features to other clients that need additional memory.
To determine if and how you need to reallocate printer memory,
read the descriptions of the different memory clients in the sections
that follow.
The Memory Clients
The memory clients can be set up from the Administration/Memory
menu of the printer’s Configuration menu. Each time you make
changes in the Memory menu, print a status page (in the
Administration/Special Pages menu) to confirm the memory
reallocation. When you allocate memory to a specific client
through the control panel, it is allocated in kilobytes (KB). The
sizes listed on the status page are in bytes, so you must divide the
numbers on the status page by 1024 to get the equivalent number
of kilobytes entered through the control panel.
NOTE: The value for each memory client must be evenly
divisible by 4 KB: if a value is entered that is not evenly
divisible by 4 KB, it is automatically converted to the next
lower value that is divisible by 4 KB. For example, if you
enter 102 KB, the actual value is lowered to 100 KB
(assuming there is enough memory available to allocate
to this client). The amount shown on the status page will
then be 102,400 (100 x 1024).
Appendix D
D-4 Additional Technical Information
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