
emulations, like LN03 Plus and CCITT, appear only if
installed. The factory default emulation is ESP.
Min K Spool The minimum amount of RAM (KB) dedicated to the
serial interface. Do not set this value greater than K
Mem for Spool. The default is 00015.
Spool Timeout The number of seconds the interface waits for data from
the host system before terminating a print job. The
minimum value is 00000 (no timeout), the maximum
value is 99999, and the factory default value is 00030.
End Job Mode This option enables or disables data stream sensing for
end-of-document (EOD) terminator strings. These
sequences allow host computers to enforce print job
sequencing without considerations for interacting
timeouts. The values are none (printer recognizes only
the PostScript ^D command), QMS EOD
(%%EndOfDocument), and HP EOD
(<ESC>%-12345X). The factory default is none. See
“Cancelling and Ending Print Jobs” in chapter 5 for
more details.
Baud Rate The baud rate is a measure of the rate of transmission
(bits per second) from host to printer over the serial
channel. The baud rate options are 300, 600, 1200,
2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, and 38400. The factory
default is 9600. Host and printer baud rates must match.
Baud rates of 19200 and 38400 require either RTS or
CTS hardware flow control (Hdwe Flow Ctl). These
baud rates do not support XON/XOFF software flow
control (Rcv Sw Flow CTL).
Parity Parity acts as a check bit to identify data transmission
errors. The options are none, mark, space, odd, or even.
The host or application parity setting must match the
printer’s parity setting. The factory default is none.
Ignore Parity Ignore parity options are off or on; the factory default
is off.
Rcv Sw
Flow Ctl
The software communication protocol used by the
printer to control communication from the host. The
options are XON/XOFF, robust XON/XOFF,
Chapter 4
Printer Configuration 4-23
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