Specifies that a five-digit number is to be prefixed to
the beginning of each line. The choices are On and Off.
Off is the default.
Specifies the number of spaces between tab stops. The
minimum is 0 and the maximum is 256. The default is
LF IS CRLF Stipulates whether each line feed in the print job is
translated to a carriage return/linefeed combination.
The choices are On and Off. On is the default.
CR IS CRLF Determines whether each carriage return in the print
job is translated to a carriage return/line feed
combination. The choices are On and Off. Off is the
FF IS CRFF Stipulates whether each form feed in the print job is
translated to a carriage return/form feed combination.
The options are On and Off. On is the default.
Orientation Specifies whether text is printed Portrait or Landscape.
The default is Portrait.
Autowrap Indicates whether long lines are to be wrapped onto the
next line instead of being truncated. The options are On
and Off. The default is on.
Per Page
Specifies the number of lines printed on a page before
an automatic page eject. Interline spacing is set to the
selected point size. Logical pages consisting of more
lines than specified are split into multiple pages. The
minimum Lines Per Page setting is 1, and the maximum
is 128. The default is 87.
Margins This option defines the left, right, top, and bottom
margins from 0 to 17 inches. The minimum setting is
0 and the maximum is 1700. The default is 0.
Fifteen configuration choices are available. The QMS Crown
Technical Reference (an optional manual available from your QMS
vendor) has more information on HP-GL.
Chapter 4
Printer Configuration 4-31
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