Display List
Listed as K Mem Display in the Administration/Memory menu,
this client shares its memory with the PostScript heap. The display
list stores compressed representations, or blocks, of the pages to be
printed. Approximately 1 compressed block is required for a
normal 8.5" x 11" text page, 4 compressed blocks for an 8.5" x 11"
page that includes some graphics, and as many as 500 compressed
blocks for an extremely complex page. Approximately 64 KB of
memory for each compressed block is required by the printer.
Many pages of compressed blocks belonging to multiple print jobs
can be stored simultaneously in the display list. If enough memory
is allocated to this memory client, a page can always be ready to
print as soon as another page has been imaged by the print engine,
so increasing the amount of memory in this client might improve
printing throughput. If not enough memory is allocated to this
client, memory is taken from the excess memory client (PostScript
heap) to complete the print job.
Disk Cache
Listed as K Mem Disk Cache in the Administration/Memory menu,
this memory client stores frequently used data in system memory
instead of continually storing and retrieving it from a hard disk. If
a hard disk is used and a lot of disk access is required, adding
memory to the disk cache might increase the printer’s performance.
For example, if many fonts are stored on disk, increasing the disk
cache size can help the printer access these fonts faster.
The amount of memory needed for the disk cache client depends
on the size of the disk, the number of disks, the number of
subdirectories on each disk, and the amount of memory dedicated
to caching. The disk cache size should be set to 0 KB if no hard
disks are connected to the printer, or if the hard disks are connected
Appendix D
D-8 Additional Technical Information
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