■ Load media printing side up, top edge first. The printing
side of media is indicated on the wrapping, so leave it in
its wrapping until you are ready to load it.
■ Keep the paper-feed rollers and the manual-feed belts
clean. Dirty rollers and belts can draw media unevenly into
the printer. See “Cleaning the Paper-Feed Roller and the
Manual-Feed Belts” in chapter 6, “Consumables and
Preventive Maintenance.”
Preventing Envelope Jams
To prevent envelope jams
■ Keep envelopes in their original box to protect them until
they’re used. Don’t use damaged envelopes.
■ Store envelopes in a low-humidity environment.
■ Use only the envelope types specified in “Media
Handling” in appendix B, “Technical Specifications.”
Don’t use envelopes with windows.
■ If you’re using the optional envelope cassette, use it in the
standard cassette slot (not the optional feeder), and don’t
place more than 30 envelopes in the cassette at once.
Internal Hard Disk Problems
If you experience unexplained or erratic problems with the internal
hard disk, you may want to reformat the hard disk and reload the
print system software. See chapter 8, “Printer Options,” for
Chapter 9
Troubleshooting 9-19
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