4. Close the transfer unit (fig. 6.19).
5. Close the back cover.
Cleaning the Paper Exit Rollers and Plates
Clean the paper rollers and plates every 20,000 copies or 12
months, whichever comes first. This is roughly the same time
schedule as replacing the OPC belt cartridge and cleaning the
register and transfer rollers, so you may want to do all of these
procedures now too.
All you need for this procedure are 2 or 3 pieces of dry, lint-free,
cotton cloth. To clean the paper exit roller
1. Open the paper exit unit (fig 2.13).
2. Use a dry, lint-free, cotton cloth and gentle pressure to clean
the paper exit rollers and plates (fig. 6.20). Turn the coupling
Fig. 6.19 Close the Transfer Unit
Chapter 6
Consumables and Preventative Maintenance 6-37
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