HP-GL Emulation Features Commands
Enhanced mode %%IncludeFeature: enhanced
Expanding plots %%IncludeFeature: expand
Original paper size %%IncludeFeature: size
Pen width and color selection %%IncludeFeature: pen
Plotter selection %%IncludeFeature: plotter
Reverse image %%IncludeFeature: reverse
Scaling plots %%IncludeFeature: scaling
Shifting origin %%IncludeFeature: origin
HP-PCL Emulation Features Commands
Carriage returns* %%IncludeFeature: criscrlf
Font selection* %%IncludeFeature: font
Font by id* %%IncludeFeature: fontid
Font storage* %%IncludeFeature: resource
Line feeds* %%IncludeFeature: lfiscrlf
Lines per inch* %%IncludeFeature: linesperinch
Point size* %%IncludeFeature: pointsize
Remove from disk* %%IncludeFeature: remove
Reset to defaults %%IncludeFeature: reset
Symbol set* %%IncludeFeature: symbolset
Retain temporary macros/fonts %%IncludeFeature:retaintemporary
Select monochrome %%IncludeFeature:monochromegl
Enable scalable fonts* %%IncludeFeature:scalablefonts
Establish resource/def. object ID* %%IncludeFeature:install
*Indicates a DOC about which updated information is provided in
appendix D, “Additional Technical Information.”
Lineprinter Emulation Features Commands
Automatic text wrap %%IncludeFeature: autowrap
Carriage returns %%IncludeFeature: criscrlf
Font selection %%IncludeFeature: font
Form feed %%IncludeFeature: ffiscrff
Line feeds %%IncludeFeature: lfiscrlf
Lines per page %%IncludeFeature: linesperpage
Chapter 4
Printer Configuration 4-57
EDNord - Istedgade 37A - 9000 Aalborg - telefon 96333500