with 12 MB RAM, make sure you select Monochrome in the
Operator Control/Color Model menu. Also, if you change the
resolution, you should choose the appropriate halftone setting and
gamma correction setting for best results.
Administration/Engine/Page Recovery
Use this option to enable or disable page recovery. The default is
enabled. Enabling page recovery causes the printer to automatically
reprint jammed pages (as long as the printer is not turned off while
the jammed is being cleared). You may want to disable jam
recovery to free up printer memory, and enhance performance.
Administration/Engine/Manfeed Timeout
This refers to the number of seconds the printer waits for media to
be inserted in the manual feed slot before abandoning the job. This
variable has a minimum value of 00000 (no timeout), a maximum
of 00300, and a factory default of 00060.
Administration/Engine/Energy Saver
The Energy Saver option specifies whether the printer changes to
a lower-power state (the engine remains on, but the fuser turns off)
after the printer is inactive for a user-defined length of time. The
options are Off, 15 minutes, 30 minutes, 1 hour, 2 hours, or 3 hours
(of idle time before activation of low-power state). The factory
default setting is 60 minutes. If you have an Energy Star version
of the printer (look for a label with the Energy Star logo on the back
of the printer), Energy Saver causes printer power consumption to
drop to less than 45 W. If you don’t have the Energy Star version
of the printer, then Energy Saver causes printer power consumption
to drop to about 147 W. When a print job is received, the printer
returns to normal power in about 90 seconds.
NOTE: The addition of some optional interfaces, in some
combinations, may cause the product to become
non-Energy Star compliant.
Chapter 4
Printer Configuration 4-49
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