of the page demonstrate horizontal and vertical color registration.
Circles in the center of the page demonstrate cyan, magenta, and
yellow color mixtures and red, green, and blue color mixtures.
Administration/Special Pages/Sample Page
This option controls the printing of a sample page. This page gives
the current screen frequency and halftone angles settings for the
printer. A bar that illustrates printing with these settings prints
across the bottom of the page.
Administration/Special Pages/Header Page
This option controls the printing of a header banner page before
each job. This page contains the following: printer name, selected
interface, job identification, title, submitting computer, job owner,
routing message, start time/date, application used, creation
time/date, copyright date, version number, job submission time, job
start time, and printer product name/logo. For details on this page
and what it monitors, see “Header and Trailer Pages” in chapter 5.
This option is either on or off; the factory default is off.
NOTE: The information on header pages for this printer can be
customized; QMS Crown Document Option Commands
(an optional manual available from your QMS vendor)
contains more information on customizing separator
Administration/Special Pages/Header Inputbin
You can select the inputbin (tray or cassette) from which the printer
pulls media when printing the header page. Choices are upper and
lower. Upper is the factory default.
NOTE: If you used the Administration/Engine/Inputbin x Name
option to change the names of the input bins, these names
replace upper and lower in the message window.
Chapter 4
4-38 Printer Configuration
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