Working Within Imageable Regions and Margins
If you experience problems with your file being cut off (not printing
to the expected margins), it might be due to an imageable region
constraint. There are two ways to compensate for imageable region
1. Adjust margins, page size, or scale through your application.
2. Use the PostScript translate and scale operators to reduce
image size and change its placement on the page. The QMS
Crown Technical Reference (an optional manual available
from your QMS vendor) contains information on using
PostScript operators.
Selecting and Storing Media
Media Selection
Media versatility is one of the biggest benefits of the QMS
magicolor LX printer. It can print on plain or laser paper,
transparencies, labels, envelopes and thicker stocks (between 24
and 43 lb [90 g/m
and 163 g/m
Make sure that the media you select meets the specifications listed
in the “Media Handling” section of appendix B, “Technical
Media Storage
Store media according to the manufacturer’s instructions to
optimize printer output and decrease the chance of jams during
printing. See appendix B, “Technical Specifications,” for
additional media storage recommendations.
Chapter 5
Print Media and Daily Operations 5-11
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