Bei Entwickler und Toner handelt es sich um
gefährliche Pulver, die leicht entzündlich sind; sie dürfen
deshalb niemals mit offenem Feuer in Berührung kommen.
Einatmen oder Berührung mit Haut und Augen ist ebenfalls
zu vermeiden, da dieses zu Beeinträchtigungen der Atemwege,
Haut- oder Augenreizungen führen könnte.
Handling Conditions
Toner and
Dispose of toner and developer in a safe manner,
meeting all local and federal regulations.
Handle only one color of toner and developer at a time
to avoid contaminating other colors.
Use a toner vacuum to clean up powder spills in the
printer, if necessary.
If toner gets on your hands or clothing, lightly dust off
as much as possible. If some remains, rinse your hands
or washable clothing with cool water (hot water sets
toner) to remove the rest.
OPC Belt
Do not touch the belt with your hands; hold the
cartridge by its green end-handle or the two green
Do not expose the belt to direct sunlight.
Do not expose the belt to room light for longer than 2
Keep the belt surface free of foreign material, such as
dust, solvents, moisture, or corrosives.
Avoid abrupt changes of temperature and humidity for
the cartridge.
Keep exposure to casual light to a minimum; for
example, remove the top cover of the printer only when
necessary and replace the cover as soon as possible.
Reinstall the pressure release and tension release pin
sets (one on the left side and one on the right) in the
Chapter 6
Consumables and Preventative Maintenance 6-3
EDNord - Istedgade 37A - 9000 Aalborg - telefon 96333500