3. Open the paper exit unit (fig. 2.13).
4. Open the pressure-release lever on the fuser unit (fig. 9.10).
CAUTION: If you can see the outer jam in the transfer unit, always
remove it by pulling the media out through the transfer unit, not up
and out the paper exit unit. This prevents the unfused toner from
coming off on the exit rollers and getting down into the printer.
Since toner images on the media aren’t set, avoid getting loose toner
on your hands and clothes while removing the jammed media. If
you accidentally get toner on your hands or clothes, lightly dust off
as much as possible. If some toner remains, use cool, not hot water,
to rinse it off your hands or washable clothing. To avoid damage
to the rollers, always remove jammed media gently.
Fig. 9.10 Open the Pressure-Release Lever
Chapter 9
Troubleshooting 9-15
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