
CMSs are not portable across platforms, they can be expensive, and
they do consume processing time and power at the host.
A few well-known color management systems include Kodak
ColorSense, Agfa FotoFlow, Electronics for Imaging EFIColor,
Pantone POCE, and Apple ColorSync. The following are shipped
with your printer:
A ColorSync device profile
A Pantone POCE CMM (Color Matching Method)
A Pantone POCE device profile
An ICC (International Color Consortium) device profile
If this profile is not included with your printer, call QMS
Customer Technical Assurance to check for availability.
Instructions for installation and use are included on the Pantone
disk provided with the printer.
Color Matching with PostScript Level 2
Your printer’s PostScript Level 2 capabilities allow it to accept
device-independent CIE color specification directly (in addition to
CMYK or RGB color specifications). This means that if you have
an application that supports PostScript Level 2 printing (such as
Adobe PhotoShop) or if you use the QMS-developed driver for
Windows or Macintosh, your printer will perform color matching
automatically. QMS drivers for Windows and Macintosh were
shipped on disks with your printer: see chapter 3, “Connecting the
Printer,” of this manual for installation information. These drivers
work with the printer-resident color rendering dictionaries to match
colors. See “Printer-Resident Color Rendering Dictionaries”
earlier in this chapter for more information on CRDs.
Chapter 7
7-14 Optimizing Color Output
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