chapter). The printer must be turned off and on again for the new
value to take effect.
Size (Meg) Use this option to choose the number of megabytes of
disk space allocated (in addition to RAM) to spool print
job data. Values range from 0 to 256 with a default of
10 MB.
Location Use this option to specify which disk to use for
temporary spooling storage when an additional hard
disk is available. The choices are DSK0 through DSK6
(the internal hard disk, the default).
Administration/Disk Operations/Collation
The Collation submenu allows you to specify which disk and how
much of that disk should be used to store collated print jobs when
the jobs can’t be accommodated by RAM. Collation is selected in
the Operator Control/Collation menu (described earlier in this
chapter). Turn the printer off and back on again for the value to
take effect. (See “Collating” in chapter 5, “Print Media and Daily
Operations” for more details.)
Size (Meg) Use this option to choose the number of megabytes of
disk space allocated (in addition to RAM) on which to
store collated print jobs. Ten megabytes of collation
disk space is probably sufficient for most printing
applications. Values range from 00 to 50 with a default
of 10 MB.
Location Use this option to specify which disk to use for
temporary storage of collated jobs when an additional
hard disk is available. The choices are DSK0 through
DSK6 (the internal hard disk, the default).
The Optional Features Menus
If you install a printer option (for example, a network interface
card), it may affect printer configuration and the Configuration
Chapter 4
4-54 Printer Configuration
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