The Colorimetric CRD
The Colorimetric CRD is designed for very basic color matching
and one-to-one conversion from CIE color to CMYK color. With
Colorimetric chosen as the printer default CRD, all colors are
reproduced exactly unless a specified color is “out of gamut” (out
of the printer’s range). For out of gamut colors, the Colorimetric
CRD substitutes the closest “in-gamut” color. The result is that
exact color matches between the two devices are maintained
wherever possible, but the printed image may have a smaller range
of colors than the original image (since several image colors may
be mapped to a single printer color). We recommend that you use
this CRD for printing spot colors.
The Business CRD
The Business CRD matches the images on a monitor as closely as
possible (WYSIWYG). Use the Business CRD for
computer-generated graphics.
The Photographic CRD
QMS developed the Photographic CRD to optimize the quality of
photographic images and other images with many subtle color
shifts. Like the Colorimetric CRD, the Photographic CRD
substitutes out-of-gamut colors with in-gamut colors, but it also
adjusts (compresses) all other colors (whether in-gamut or
out-of-gamut) as necessary to maintain the proportional
relationship between the colors.
Chapter 7
Optimizing Color Output 7-11
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