
Changing Print Job Resolution
You can configure the printer to use either 600 or 300 dpi
resolution. This can be done through your application, if its driver
supports this option (such as the QMS-provided Macintosh or
Windows driver), or through the printer front panel (see chapter 4,
“Printer Configuration,” for information).
If you purchased a printer with 12 MB RAM, you can print color
or monochrome documents in 300 dpi or monochrome documents
in 600 dpi. To print monochrome documents in 600 dpi with 12
MB RAM, in addition to configuring the printer for 600 dpi
resolution, you must also configure it for monochrome printing.
This can be done through your application or through the printer
front panel (Administration/Engine/Default Resolution and
Operator Control/Color Model menus).
To print color documents in 600 dpi, you must install additional
RAM in the printer. See appendix B, “Technical Specifications,”
for specific information on RAM requirements and color
Chapter 5
5-14 Print Media and Daily Operations
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