
system restore along with the target
operating system configuration data. It
is deleted after the target system is
restored to the original system
configuration. Active DR OS not only
hosts the Data Protector disaster
recovery process but is also a part of the
restored system because it replaces its
own configuration data with the original
configuration data.
A physical unit that receives data from a
computer system and can write it onto a
magnetic medium (typically a tape
drive). It can also read the data from the
medium and send it to the computer
drive index
A number that identifies the mechanical
position of a drive inside a library
device. This number is used by the
robotic control to access a drive.
dynamic client
See client backup with disk discovery.
EMC Symmetrix Agent (SYMA)
(EMC Symmetrix specific term)
See Symmetrix Agent (SYMA)
EMC Symmetrix Application
Programming Interface (SYMAPI)
(EMC Symmetrix specific term)
See Symmetrix Application
Programming Interface (SYMAPI)
EMC Symmetrix CLI Database File
(EMC Symmetrix specific term)
See Symmetrix CLI Database File
EMC Symmetrix Command-Line
Interface (SYMCLI) (EMC Symmetrix
specific term)
See Symmetrix Command-Line
Interface (SYMCLI)
emergency boot file (Informix specific
An Informix configuration file that
resides in the <INFORMIXDIR>\etc
directory (on HP-UX) or
<INFORMIXDIR>/etc directory (on
Windows) and is called
ixbar.<server_id>, where
<INFORMIXDIR> is the OnLine Server
home directory and <server_id> is the
value of the SERVERNUM
configuration parameter. Each line of
the emergency boot file corresponds to
one backup object.
Enterprise Backup Environment
Several cells can be grouped together
and managed from a central cell. The
enterprise backup environment includes
all clients located in several Data