Integrations with Other Applications
Application Response Measurement (ARM) Integration
Chapter 13646
Application Response Measurement (ARM)
What Is the ARM
Data Protector supports the emerging standard for measuring the
response time of transactions in distributed environments, the
Application Response Measurement (ARM) interface. Data provided by
Data Protector can be used in ARM-compliant system management and
monitoring tools, such as HP OpenView Performance Agent. Such tools
can log this information for trend analysis, reporting, or alert-based
notifications. The collected data can be viewed and analyzed by HP
OpenView PerformanceManageror some other tool.
How to Install the
ARM Integration
For the installation, all you need is the ARM 2.0 compatible RPM agent
and the ARM 2.0-compliant library installed on the Cell Manager. It
does not matter whether you install them before or after the Data
Protector installation.
With a UNIX Cell Manager, you need to replace the dummy library
/opt/omni/lib/arm/libarm.sl (HP-UX) or
/opt/omni/lib/arm/libarm.so (Solaris) with the appropriate ARM
library that actually logs transactions, or create a link to it. It is
recommended to create a link. For example, in case of HP OpenView
Performance Agent on an HP-UX 11.x Cell Manager, you need to link the
above mentioned file to the /opt/perf/lib/libarm.sl file. Note that
the /opt/perf/lib/libarm.sl file links to libarm.0:
Windows Cell Managers require no additional steps for setting up the
ARM Integration.
What Can Be
The following information can be measured with the ARM integration:
• Overall session duration
• Disk Agent read times
• Disk Agent network write times
• Media Agent network read times
• Media Agent data write times
• Session Manager write to database time
• Database purge duration