Troubleshooting the IDB
Chapter 12 595
Problems While Running the User Interface
IDB is corrupted
Any of the following messages can be displayed:
• Database is corrupted.
• Interprocess communication problem.
• Cannot open Database/File.
• Error - Details Unknown.
Action Recover the IDB. For more information, refer to “Recovering the IDB” on
page 417.
The IDB Session Manager is not running on the Cell Manager
If the IDB Session Manager is not running on the Cell Manager when
Data Protector tries to access or use the IDB, the Interprocess
communication problem error message is displayed.
• On Windows Cell Manager, the Data Protector process dbsm.exe is
not displayed among the processes in the Windows Task Manager.
• On UNIX Cell Manager, the /opt/omni/lbin/dbsm is not displayed
when listing the Data Protector processes using the ps -ef | grep
omni command.
Action Close and restart the Data Protector GUI.
Libraries (Executables) Missing
On Windows Cell Managers, the following library files should exist in the
<Data_Protector_home>\bin directory:
• libob2ecmn.dll, libob2eadm.dll, libob2ecdb.dll,
libob2emmdb.dll, _eadm32.dll, _erdm32.dll
On UNIX Cell Managers, the following library files should exist in the
/opt/omni/lib directory:
• libob2ecmn.sl, libob2eadm.sl, libob2ecdb.sl,
libob2emmdb.sl, _eadm.sl, _erdm.sl