Chapter 12558
NOTE Use the -debug option carefully because execution traces can become
quite large.
CRS Debug in the Microsoft Cluster Environment
In the Data Protector shared directory, edit the
<Data_Protector_home>\Config\options\Trace file. Add the
following lines:
From the Cluster Administrator GUI, take the CRS service resource
(OBVS_MCRS) offline.
CAUTION Do not stop the CRS from Control Panel as it will cause the Data
Protector package to failover.
Sample Debugging
Follow the procedure described below to collect debug information for
problems occurring during backup sessions involving one client and the
Cell Manager:
1. Reduce the error environment as much as possible:
• Create a backup specification that contains just one or a few files
or directories.
• Include only one failing client in the debug run.
2. Create an info text file that contains the following:
• Hardware identification of the Cell Manager, Media Agent, and
Disk Agent clients. For example, HP-9000 T-600 Series;
Vectra XA.
• The SCSI controller’s name, for example,