Troubleshooting the IDB
Chapter 12594
The detail upgrade runs out of memory on the system
•The upgrade.log file on the Cell Manager contains the database
network communication error entry.
• Data Protector Event Log contains the Session was aborted.
(Upgrade detail part.) entry.
• On UNIX Cell Managers, the Data Protector RDS daemon
(/opt/omni/lbin/rds) is not displayed when listing the Data
Protector processes using the ps -ef | grep omni command. On
Windows Cell Managers, low virtual memory notification may be
received in the Windows Event Log and the Data Protector RDS
process (rds.exe) may not be listed among processes in Windows
Task Manager.
Action 1. Close any applications that do not need to run.
2. Run the omnisv -stop and omnisv -start commands from the
/opt/omni/sbin directory to stop and restart the Data Protector
services. Detail upgrade is automatically restarted during the Data
Protector services restart.
3. If the problem persists, add more RAM to the computer. On UNIX
systems, you can also configure a bigger data segment in the
operating system. Refer to the HP OpenView Storage Data Protector
Software Release Notes for a list of installation requirements.
The detail upgrade runs out of disk space on the system
The upgrade.log file on the Cell Manager contains the Not enough
disk space or not enough configured extension/binary files to
perform upgrade entry after the UDP session started entry. Refer to
the HP OpenView Storage Data Protector Software Release Notes for disk
space requirements.
Action 1. Using system applications, find out how much disk space is still
available on the disk where the database resides and run the
omnidbupgrade –udpcheck command to see how much disk space is
required to run the detail upgrade of the database.
2. Free up space on the disk, where the IDB is installed.
3. Run the omnidbupgrade -udp command to restart the detail upgrade
of the database.