Integrations with Other Applications
Microsoft Cluster Server Integration
Chapter 13618
Cell Manager on Microsoft Cluster Server
The Data Protector Cell Manager can be installed on the 32-bit Microsoft
Cluster Server. This enables an automatic migration of the Data
Protector services from one cluster node to another in case of failover.
Installation See the HP OpenView Storage Data Protector Installation and Licensing
Guide for more information on how to install Data Protector cluster Cell
After setup finishes, the Data Protector cluster cell has the following
systems automatically added:
• All cluster nodes
• All cluster virtual servers
Clients on Microsoft Cluster Server
Data Protector can back up a full cluster (local and shared disks) and
applications running in a cluster environment.
Installation To back up a cluster-aware application the Data Protector client software
must be installed locally on all the cluster nodes. See the HP OpenView
Storage Data Protector Installation and Licensing Guide for information
on how to install a cluster-aware client.
Configuration After the installation, virtual server hostname of the client must be
imported to the Data Protector cell. See the Figure 13-2 on page 619 and
the HP OpenView Storage Data Protector Installation and Licensing
Guide for instructions.
NOTE If you want an application backup to be cluster-aware, that is, access it
through its virtual server, also this application integration module has to
be installed on each application preferred owners (nodes). Only this way
the Data Protector integration agents can start on cluster nodes where
the application currently resides.