Pre- and Post-Exec Commands
Chapter 5250
Pre- and Post-Exec Commands
Before a backup or restore session begins, an additional action is
sometimes necessary. For example, you may want to check the number of
files to back up, stop some transaction processing, or shut down a
database. Such actions are performed using pre- and post-exec
commands. Pre- and post-exec commands are not supplied by Data
Protector. Depending on your needs, you have to write your own
executables to perform the required actions.
For backup, pre- and post-exec commands can be configured on two
Backup Specification
The pre-exec command is executed before the backup
session starts. The post-exec command is executed
when the backup session stops. You specify these
commands as backup options for the entire backup
specification. By default, pre- and post-exec
commands for the session are executed on the Cell
Manager, but you can choose another system.
Specific Backup Object
The pre-exec command for a specific backup object
starts before the object is backed up. The post-exec
command for the backup object is executed after the
object is backed up. You specify these commands as
backup options that apply for all objects, or for
individual objects. Pre- and post-exec commands for
the object are executed on the system where the Disk
Agent that backs up the object is running.
Pre- and post-exec commands are run in the following order:
1. The pre-exec command for the entire backup specification starts and
2. For each object in the backup specification:
a. The pre-exec starts and completes.
b. The object is backed up.