Troubleshooting Data Protector Services and Daemons
Chapter 12 571
directory and the problems should be resolved.
2. Restart the services using the omnisv -start command.
RDS does not work on the Windows TSE Cell Manager
Use TCP transport instead of local transport by modifying the
Under TCP Configuration, set Enabled to yes.
Problems Starting Data Protector Daemons on UNIX
The following daemons run on the UNIX Cell Manager:
• Data Protector CRS daemon: /opt/omni/lbin/crs
•IDB daemon: /opt/omni/lbin/rds
• Data Protector Media Management daemon: /opt/omni/lbin/mmd
The Data Protector Inet service (/opt/omni/lbin/inet) is started
by the system inet daemon when an application tries to connect to the
Data Protector port, which is by default port number 5555.
Normally, these daemons are started automatically during the system’s
To manually stop, start, and get the status of Data Protector daemons,
log on to the Cell Manager as root.
To stop the Data Protector daemons, enter the following command in the
/opt/omni/sbin directory:
omnisv -stop
Starting Daemons To start the Data Protector daemons, enter the following command in the
/opt/omni/sbin directory:
omnisv -start
Checking the
Status of the
To check the running status of the Data Protector daemons, enter the
following command in the /opt/omni/sbin directory:
omnisv -status