Disaster Recovery
Assisted Manual Disaster Recovery of a Windows System
Chapter 10456
Follow the procedure below to recover a Windows system using Assisted
Manual Disaster Recovery. If you are performing advanced recovery
tasks (such as disaster recovery of a Cell Manager or IIS), see also
“Advanced Recovery Tasks” on page 490.
1. Install the Windows system from the CD-ROM and install additional
drivers if needed. The Windows operating system has to be installed
on the same partition as prior to the disaster. Do not install the
Internet Information Server (IIS) during the installation of the
system. Refer to “Restoring Internet Information Server (IIS)
Specifics” on page 496 for more details.
IMPORTANT If Windows has been installed using the Windows unattended setup, use
the same script now to install Windows to ensure that the
<$SystemRoot$> and \Documents and Settings folders are installed
to the same position.
2. When the Windows Partition Setup screen appears, proceed as
• If an vendor-specific partition (e.g. EISA Utility Partition) existed
on the system before the crash, create (if it does not exist due to
the crash) and format a “dummy” FAT partition using the EUP
information gathered from the SRD file. The EUP will be later on
recovered to the space occupied by the “dummy” partition. Create
and format a boot partition immediately after the “dummy”
partition. To do this, you need the data as described in
“Preparation” on page 451.
• If an EUP did not exist on the system before the crash, create (if
the boot partition does not exist due to the crash) and format the
boot partition as it existed on the disk before the crash. To do this,
you need the data as described in “Preparation” on page 451.
Windows NT When the Windows NT setup prompts you for the Windows NT
installation directory, specify any new directory on the boot partition
that is not the location where the original Windows NT installation
resided (for example, DPWINNT). A new directory has to be specified
because temporary DR OS is used to recover Windows NT.