Disaster Recovery
Manual Disaster Recovery of an HP-UX Client
Chapter 10504
This creates an Ignite-UX depot under
/var/opt/ignite/depots/recovery_cmds, which can be specified as a
source directory by swinstall on the client for the Ignite-UX software
After you have installed Ignite-UX on the client node, you can use the
GUI on the Ignite-UX server to create recovery archives using
make_net_recovery or make_tape_recovery.
Creating an Archive
Perform the following steps to create an archive using
1. Make sure that a backup device is connected to the HP-UX client.
2. Start the Ignite-UX GUI by executing the following command:
/opt/ignite/bin/ignite &.
3. Right click the client icon and select Create Tape Recovery
4. Select a tape device, if more than one device is connected to the
HP-UX client.
5. Select the volume groups you want to include into the archive.
6. The tape creation process will now begin. Check the status and log
file on the Ignite-UX server by right clicking the client icon and
selecting Client Status.
NOTE Ignite-UX recommends the usage of 90m DDS1 backup tapes to ensure
that the tape will work with all DDS with any DDS drive.
Creating an Archive
The procedure for creating a recovery archive using make_net_recovery
is almost the same as using make_tape_recovery. The advantage is that
there is no need for a locally attached backup device, as the recovery
archive is stored on the Ignite-UX server by default.
1. Start the Ignite-UX GUI by executing the following command:
/opt/ignite/bin/ignite &
2. Right click the client icon and select Create Network Recovery
3. Select the destination system and directory. Make sure that there is