Troubleshooting Devices and Media
Chapter 12578
Action Export the medium from the IDB and restart the failed session using a
different medium.
Cannot Use Devices After Upgrading to Data
Protector A.05.10
Problem After upgrading to Data Protector A.05.10, you cannot use devices that
were configured as different device types in previous releases. For
example, you cannot use 9940 devices that were configured as 9840
devices, or SuperDLT devices that were configured as DLT devices. The
following error occurs:
[Critical] From: BMA@ukulele.company.com "SDLT" Time:
2/22/2003 5:12:34 PM
[90:43] /dev/rmt/1m
Invalid physical device type => aborting
Action Manually reconfigure these devices using the mchange command, located
on the Cell Manager in the following directories:
•On HP-UX: /opt/omni/sbin/utilns/HPUX
•On Solaris: /opt/omni/sbin/utilns/SOL
• On Windows: <Data_Protector_home>\bin\utilns\NT
Command Syntax mchange -pool PoolName -newtype NewMediaClass
PoolName is the name of the media pool with devices that are currently
configured and should be reconfigured (for example, Default DLT or
Default T9840).
NewMediaClass is the new media type of the devices, for example, T9940
for 9940 devices and SuperDLT for SuperDLT device.
Example mchange -pool "Default DLT" -newtype "SuperDLT"
The command changes media types for all media, drives and libraries
that use the defined media pool. After you have executed this command
for each device you wanted to change, move the media associated with
the reconfigured devices from the current media pool to the media pool
corresponding to these media.