Managing the Data Protector Internal Database
Configuring the IDB
Chapter 9398
• On Windows: <Data_Protector_home>\bin\omnisv -start
• On UNIX: /opt/omni/sbin/omnisv -start
Configuring the Database Backup
An essential part in the IDB configuration is to configure the backup of
the IDB itself. Once the IDB backup is performed regularly, the most
important preparation for recovery in case of a disaster is done. The IDB
recovery is essential for restore of other backed up data in the event that
the Cell Manager crashes.
How to Configure
the IDB Backup
Configure the IDB backup like any standard backup, but be sure to
select the Internal Database object and specify the object options in
the Backup Object Summary page of the IDB backup specification. For
detailed steps, see the Data Protector online Help index keyword
“configuring IDB backups”.
Figure 9-4 Selecting the Internal Database Object
IDB Backup
We recommend the following when configuring the IDB backup:
• Create a separate backup specification for the IDB. This simplifies
scheduling and restoring in case of a disk crash. To create an IDB
backup specification, follow the standard backup procedure, but
select the Internal Database object.
• Schedule the IDB backup to be performed once per day. This ensures
that you always have an almost up-to-date backup of the IDB.