Monitoring, Reporting, Notifications, and the Event Log
Report Send Methods
Chapter 7334
6. Right-click SNMP Service and select Properties.
a. Select the Traps tab and enter public in the Community name
text box and the hostname of the VPO Management Server in the
Trap Destinations text box.
b. Select the Security tab. Under Accepted community names,
select the community public, click Edit and set Community
rights to READ CREATE.
c. Confirm your settings.
7. Start omnisnmp.
External Send Method
The external send method allows you to process the output of the report
in your own script. The script receives the output as standard input
(STDIN). The recommended format for script processing is the tab
The script, which is located on the Cell Manager system, must reside in
the /opt/omni/lbin (UNIX systems) or <Data_Protector_home>\bin
(Windows systems) directory. You need to provide only the name of the
script, not the entire path.
TIP You can use this delivery method to perform a scheduled eject of the
specified media. Refer to “Scheduled Eject of Media” on page 138.