Restore Techniques
Chapter 6302
• The catalog protection has expired. Refer to “Most Frequently Used
Backup Options” on page 227 for more information about data and
catalog protection.
• The media are not from the same Data Protector cell and, as such, are
not recognized in the IDB of the cell. In this case, you need to import
it first.
Prerequisite A large amount of memory on the Cell Manager is required. The amount
of memory needed can be estimated by using the following formula:
number_of_files multiplied by 200 bytes.
Limitations • You cannot list database application objects from the media.
• Files that span several media cannot be restored directly fro media.
All media needed to restore the file have to be imported, and then the
file can be restored using the List From Database option.
How to Restore
Directly from
To restore data directly from media, click List From Media in the
Actions menu of your restore context, and follow the Restore from
media wizard. For detailed steps, refer to the online Help index keyword
“restoring directly from media”.
Restoring Files in Use
Data Protector allows you to back up and restore files, such as databases
or word processing documents, that are in use (opened) by other
Data Protector provides restore options that allow you to specify the
behavior when files being restored are in use by setting the Lock Files
During Restore and the Move Busy Files options. Refer to “Restore
Options” on page 294.
Restoring by Query
Data Protector provides the Restore by Query task, which searches for
files and directories you want to restore and restores them.