
Backing Up in a Direct Backup Environment
Chapter 5 205
You need to have appropriate user rights for performing a backup.
Refer to Chapter 3, “Configuring Users and User Groups,” on page 81.
Limitations The systems in the direct backup environment must be HP-UX 11.0.
•The min and max options for the load balancing option are ignored
for direct backup. All devices selected in the backup specification are
load balanced, if load balancing is used. Consequently, it is not
possible to set the order in which the selected devices are used using
the Order devices functionality.
The pre-exec and post-exec options for backup objects are not possible
for raw logical volumes direct backup. They are possible for Oracle8i
direct backup.
The backup device must be either attached to an external FC bridge
with the XCopy engine, or must have the FC bridge with the XCopy
engine embedded internally.
Backup and restore of striped logical volumes are not supported.
•The CRC check option is ignored with direct backup.
•The disk agent Concurrency option is ignored with direct backup.
•The Block size option is FC bridge dependent.
•The Segment size and Disk agent buffers options are ignored
with direct backup.
Restore The data backed up in a direct backup environment can be:
Restored from a backup medium over the LAN directly to the
application system following the Data Protector rawdisk or Oracle8
restore procedure. Refer to “Restoring Disk Images” on page 273
(rawdisk restore) or HP OpenView Storage Data Protector Integration
Guide (Oracle8 restore).
Restored using the Data Protector instant recovery functionality.
Refer to the HP OpenView Storage Data Protector HP StorageWorks
Disk Array XP Integration Guide or to the HP OpenView Storage Data
Protector EVA/VA/MSA Integration Guide.
Backup Specification Configuration Procedure
A direct backup backup specification can be configured for the following