Chapter 12 555
NOTE Before you edit the file, make a copy of it, as the changes have to be
reverted when debugging is no longer desired.
Example of a
Modified Schedule
-debug 1-99 sch.txt
-only 2002
-day 14 -month Dec
-at 22:00
Debug Syntax
Almost all Data Protector commands can be started with an additional
-debug parameter that has the following syntax:
-debug 1-99[,C:<n>][,T:<s>] <XYZ> [<host>]
1-99 is the debug range. The range should always be specified as 1-99
unless instructed otherwise.
C:<n> limits the size of debug files to n kilobytes. The minimum value
is 4 (4kB) and the default value is 1024 (1MB).
T:<s> is the timestamp resolution, where the default value is 1, 1000
means the resolution is one millisecond and the value 0 means
timestamps are turned off. The timestamp resolution and size limit
for circular debugging are supplied as a part of the ranges parameter.
<XYZ> is the debug postfix, for example DBG_01.txt
<host> is the list of hostnames where debugging is turned on.
NOTE On some platforms (Novell NetWare, MPE), millisecond resolution is not
The list of hostnames limits the systems where debugging is turned on
during the execution of the Data Protector command. If there are
multiple systems on the list, they should be delimited by spaces. The
entire list must be within quotation marks, for example:
"host1.company.com host2.company.com".