
When You Cannot Access Online Troubleshooting
Chapter 12562
When You Cannot Access Online
If the user interface cannot be started, you can access the
troubleshooting file. This is a text file containing all Data Protector error
messages each of which includes the following information:
MESSAGE: The error message as it appears in Data Protector.
DESCRIPTION: A detailed or extended information about the error.
ACTION: Actions you can take to solve or avoid the problem.
The troubleshooting file is only available in the directory where the Cell
Manager is installed. It can be found in the following locations:
On UNIX: /opt/omni/gui/help/C/Trouble.txt
On Windows: <Data_Protector_home>\help\enu\Trouble.txt
An example of an error message is shown below:
[12:5] Internal error in (\"p\":num) => process aborted
This is an unexpected condition and is likely due to a
combination of circumstances involving both this product
and the operating system.
Report this error to your post-sales Data Protector
Support Representative.
An internal error occurred. The process was not able to
recover and aborted ungracefully immediately after
reporting this condition.
Before contacting your post-sales Data Protector Support
Representative, please gather as much information as
* Write down product version and build number.
* Make a note of the circumstances that cause this error.
* Save session output to a file (e.g. session.txt).