Check Whether Data Protector Functions Properly
Chapter 12606
• Database Purge Needed
For more information on Data Protector notifications, refer to “Data
Protector Notifications” on page 342. Any notification that is triggered is
by default sent to the Data Protector Event Log. For more information on
the Data Protector Event Log, refer to“Data Protector Event Log” on
page 356.
The default schedule values for maintenance tasks and checks can be
changed by changing the options in the Data Protector global options file.
Refer to “Global Options File” on page 523 for more information on global
The User Check Failed Notification
The User Check Failed notification automates the task of checking
whether your backup environment is functioning normally. Note that the
definition of “normal” depends on your backup environment (backup
policy, network configuration, hardware used, etc.). For an overview of
items to be checked in an “average” backup environment, refer to
“Overview of Items to Be Checked” on page 607. For more information on
Data Protector notifications, refer to “Data Protector Notifications” on
page 342.
The User Check Failed notification executes the command or script
entered as an input parameter to this notification and triggers the
notification if the return value of the executed command or of any of the
executed commands in the script is other than zero. The command/script
should be created in the /opt/omni/lbin (on UNIX systems) or
<Data_Protector_home>\bin (on Windows systems) directory of the
application system. The User Check Failed notification can be
configured to be sent using various send methods (e-mail, broadcast
message, SNMP traps, log file, etc.) when it is triggered. It can also be
configured to start a Report Group when it is triggered.
Thus, scripts containing checks specified in accordance with your backup
environment can be developed and configured in a User Check Failed
notification. Data Protector, using its maintenance and checking
mechanism, then prompts you whenever something goes wrong in your
backup environment.
All configured User Check Failed notifications are by default scheduled
to be started every day at 00:00 (Midnight) and are, if triggered, sent to
Data Protector Event Log.