Chapter 2 Catalyst 6500 Series Switch and ROM Monitor Commands
show port
Catalyst 6500 Series Switch Command Reference—Release 8.1
show port
To display port status information, use the show port command.
show port [mod[/port]]
Syntax Description
Defaults This command has no default settings.
Command Types Switch command.
Command Modes Normal.
Usage Guidelines If you do not specify a mod value, the ports on all modules are shown.
If you do not specify a port value, all the ports on the module are shown.
The output for an 8-port T1/E1 PSTN interface module configured for transcoding or conferencing
displays a transcoding port type as “mtp” (media termination point) or a conference port type as “conf
The output for an 8-port T1/E1 PSTN interface module displays a transcoding port type as “transcoding”
or a conference port type as “conferencing.”
The PAgP channel protocol and the LACP channel protocol manage channels differently. When all the
ports in a channel get disabled, PAgP removes them from its internal channels list; show commands do
not display the channel. With LACP, when all the ports in a channel get disabled, LACP does not remove
the channel; show commands continue to display the channel even though all its ports are down. To
determine if a channel is actively sending and receiving traffic with LACP, use the show port command
to see if the link is up or down.
LACP does not support half-duplex links. If a port is in active/passive mode and becomes half duplex,
the port is suspended (and a syslog message is generated). The port is shown as “connected” using the
show port command and as “not connected” using the show spantree command. This discrepancy is
because the port is physically connected but never joined spanning tree. To get the port to join spanning
tree, either set the duplex to full or set the channel mode to off for that port.
For more information about PAgP and LACP, refer to the “Configuring EtherChannel” chapter of the
Catalyst 6500 Series Switch Software Configuration Guide.
mod (Optional) Number of the module.
port (Optional) Number of the port on the module.